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Sunday, November 29, 2009


It's a thing that you say when you did something wrong.It's easy to say it but it is sure hard to mean it.But sometime you do mean it but other do not believe in it.A professor told me once that a good apology has three parts.
"I'm sorry"
"It was my fault"
"How do I make it right?"
Most of the times I skipped that third part.Cause thinking that he or she do not really mind about it.They say "Apology accepted" and that is it.I want to be a better person as times come for me to be a better man.The year almost at the end and when I looked back at the things that I have done this year,I own a lot of people an apology.My siblings,my family,my sisters(oh yes,i have a lot of sisters),my "twins" and my friends.I admit that I hurt you before and never crossed my heart that I wanted to do it.It is my fault and I am really sorry.Just that I do not know how can I make it right.
To whomever that I hurt you in any sorts of ways,I am sorry.I cannot really remembered much about what I did wrong to these people but I want to apologize to these people.
But as this year past,there also things that I found kind of interesting.Some people think that asking for an apology is hard.But the reality is,forgiving is even harder,way,way harder.Forgiveness is not just by saying from the lips,but from the meaning of your heart.I know the feeling.To forgive someone you hated for years ain't an easy task.Like in the movie Khabi Khusi Khabi Gham said,"Those who apologize has a big heart but those who forgive has bigger".As the recent blog post that I read,
"Why is it that we never appreciate what we have until it is gone?When they are with us,we never bother to realise how important they are to us.But when they left us,then only we realise how important they are.How really important about their presence in our life."
I really would like to take this opportunity to say I am so sorry.I always appreciate your presence in my life.I really do.But because of my ego,I never said it.I never want to to leave.I wish that our friendship will last for eternity.Thanks

Monday, November 23, 2009

kembara perak...


It's been ages since the last time I went to Taiping but two days ago I went back there,to Kak
Kila's home.We reached her house around 4 am,picked up by her dad and brother.When e reached there,the first thing that Dato and Mokmel did was sleep.Like it was not enough sleeping in the bus.I who was already "fresh" after being kicked in the bus,stayed awake and do some
reading.When azan Subuh berkumandang,Z suggested that we go to the mosque to pray as it sounded very near to the house.When we opened the door to ask for the kiblat, Kak Kila's dad invited us to followed him to the mosque.When we get back home,her mother is a
lready waiting to invited us with breakfast.And the truth is,the whole first day was only eating as the main agenda.Haha.Sweet,my stomach was never empty.Thanks.
In the evening,Kak Kila's brother,Naim brought us around the place.Because it was just after raining,it was kinda cold.Later at night,we went to Kak Kila's uncle's house for some pulut durian.My stomach was overloaded.We ended the day with a ghost story but I finally fell asleep on the coutch.
The next day,at 7 am if I'm not mistaken,her dad invited the boys for breakfast at the gerai.Later at 11 am we went to Zoo Taiping.It the first time after 8 years I went there
again.There are few changes made to the zoo,like the main entrance,the inside of the zoo and a few extra animals.These are the few pictures taken.

Cerianyer dpt bergambar ngan seladang

Muke yoyooh

Sorry Dato,xsengaje...
When we got back home,Kak Emy,Khaliq and Zack started packing their stuffs as the are going back at 5 pm.So,I was the only one left.Kinda of feeling bored for a while cause I do not have much things to do.Luckily there is Kak Kila's two youngest brothers,Arif and Pian.So,we watched few movies and cartoons and played around that night.The next day,after packing up my stuffs,and saying goodbye to them,Naim sent me to the bus station and I was on my way back home.Even though it was only two days,but I have so much fun especially with the two brothers.Shy at first,but once their started to be friendly,they are just like other kids.hihihi.

Monday, November 2, 2009

apa ertinya?

Tajuk di atas adalah tentang cinta.Ini tajuk yang agak besar untuk aku tulis.Aku berharap agar apa yang aku bakal tulis jadi peringatan untuk diriku sendiri dan tidaklah menyinggung mana-mana pihak.Aku terfikir untuk menulis tentang post ini atas perbualanku dengan sahabatku beberapa minggu yang lalu.
"Dia dah couple dah.Kau bila plak?"
"Tak rasa tercabar ke?"
Sejujurnya aku tidak rasa apa-apa pun.Dan jawapanku untuk persoalannya mudah.
Aku bukan mahu bercouple untuk suka-suka,seperti mana yang telah aku lihat orang di sekelilingku lakukan.Couple tak sampai 2 bulan,putus.Pastu,couple dengan orang baru.
Apakah erti cinta kalau ia begitu mudah ditukar ganti???
Aku ingin bercouple dengan orang yang akan aku jadikan isteriku,menantu untuk ibu bapaku,ibu untuk anak-anakku.Berpandangan jauh?Yes I am.This is crucial.It is about my future,my life.
Aku bukanlah mencari yang sempurna,sebab tiada yang sempurna di dunia ini kecuali Allah.Aku cuma mencari seseorang yang istimewa di mataku.Seseorang yang akan buat aku tersenyum setiap kali aku melihatnya.Seseorang yang membimbingku tatkala aku terpesong.Aku juga insan biasa,insan yang kadang-kala terbabas di selekoh-selekoh kehidupan.
Apa erti orang bercouple sekarang ni?Apakah untuk merasa dikasihi dan mengasihi?Adakah untuk mencari tempat bermanja?Adakah untuk tempat memuaskan nafsu?Kini,ramai pasangan yang aku lihat ketika aku keluar ke bandar berpegangan tangan dan berpelukan tanpa segan silu.Aku pulak yang rasa segan sebab yang berbuat begitu bukan pasangan yang tua,tapi yang muda dan majoritinya pasangan remaja.Tapi kalau orang tua buat macam tu,pelik la plak rasanyer.Hahaha.
Dulu,masa sekolah menengah,cikgu aku ada cerita pasal benda ni.Masa mula-mula bercinta,semuanya indah.Calling setiap malam.Pastu,bila keluar,mula la berpegangan tangan.Masa kali pertama tangan bersentuhan,ketika itu rasa macam dah boleh terbang.Lama-lama rasa terbang dah hilang,mula la tangan untuk meronda lebih jauh.Dan akhirnya kecundang dalam gelora nafsu.Masa tu semua dah terlewat.Syaitan dah gelak macam aku gelak tengok Spontan.Huhu.
Aku ada terbaca dalam buku "Aku Terima Nikahnya " yang menulis tentang pegang tangan ni.
"Semua anak yang dilahirkan ini suci,ibarat kain putih.Setiap ibu bapa menjaganya dengan begitu baik sekali.Tetapi setiap kali kamu menyentuh tangannya,kamu telah mengotorkannya.Tidakkah kamu kasihankan ibunya yang bertarung nyawa melahirkannya sehingga kamu sesuka hati ingin mengotorkan anaknya?".Takut aku baca ayat tu.Teringat aku kat video kelahiran bayi yang aku tengok masa sekolah menengah dulu.Huhu.Dengar si ibu jerit je aku dah tutup telinga.Huhu.Sakitnya hanya seorang ibu je yang tau.

Aku memohon padaMu Ya Allah,jauhkanlah aku dari menjadi sebegini.Berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk melawan nafsuku,lindungilah hambaMu yang lemah ini daripada tewas dengan godaan syaitan yang terkutuk.

Ya Allah,jika satu hari nanti aku jatuh cinta,jatuhkan cintaku pada seorang insan yang mencntaimu lebih dari kasihnya padaku,agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk mencintaiMu
Ya Alllah,jika satu hari nanti aku jatuh hati,biarkanlah hati ini jatuh pada seorang insan yang hatinya bertaut padaMu,agar aku tidak kecundang dalam cinta nafsu
Ya Allah,jika satu hari nanti,bila aku telah temui insan itu,aku memohon padaMu agar aku tidak sesekali cuba untuk meraih cintanya melebihi daripada aku cuba meraih cintaMu
Kawan aku kata,nak couple ni senang.Haha.Cari je mana-mana perempuan yang kau rasa sesuai,try ayat sikit.Kalau dapat,dapat la.Kalau tak,cari je yang lain.Bunga bukan sekuntum.
Yes,I will not deny that.Bunga bukan sekuntum,tapi bunga yang belum disentuh sukar untuk ditemui.
Dunia adalah perhiasan dan seindah-indah perhiasan adalah wanita solehah
Kesimpulannya,aku tahu di mana aku berdiri,walaupun shoutout aku kat SKYPE,OOVOO dengan YAHOO MESSENGER gempak semacam.Aku masih belum layak untuk mencintai.
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