nk ngorat kak Azie....
look at Kak Ijan face..
What exactly she is doing????
It looks like it was edited ain't it?That's the problem.It is beautiful as it is.
I can't let only others the beautiful pictures with the scenery.With my good looks,these picture looks so breath-taking.Hahaha
Zack pn same gak???
That night we didn't much of things.Just have our dinner after Isyak,discussed about the activities for the next day and went to bed.The boys went for "small cinema" first.They put on "Spider-Plant Man".I fell asleep half the way.Hahaha.
12 Mei 2009
That morning woke up a little late.6.30 am.Kak Emy yg tolong kejutkan.Huhu.We began our activities of the day with chicken dance.Then we had math quiz.It amazing actually.These kids have lots of potential,even compared to the city kids.They are smart.Then,we played memory test based of colours.It was the most surprising of all.There was a kid in Kak Azie's group who can remember all of it.I can bet even the faci's,none of them can do it as fast her.It's like she has a photostatic memory.Huhuhu.Jealous.
This is the game I was talking about.Firstly you try to say the colour in the colour as fast as you can.Then,remember the colour.Try it.It improve your brain's power.Hehe.If you cannot do it,something wrong la.Hahaha!!!!
Later that eveing,around 5 like that,as promised by prof.We went for a cruise around Tasik Chini.I was really exited.Subhanallah.The scenery was breath-taking.Huhu.These are of the pictures that I and Kak Ijan took:
cantik gak gmbr x sengaje ni kn?
sweet memory...
Kak Ijan took this one.Beauty ain't it?
The ladies...except the one who is wearing the cap.Hahaha
learining how to sumpit...
...The big boys...
prof!!!What are you doing??Haaa.Caught red-handed!
Zack is in the house
memory with the people there.Kak Azie took these picture for us.Thanks kak Azie!!!
Eleh Bang Long ni.Termenung plak dier.Ingt awek la 2.mentang2 la tmpt ni lawa n romantik.hehehe
Keindahan yang x dpt diungkp dgn kate2.You need to be there to feel it.
Dh nk blik pn smpat nkk posing2 lg?Zack(geleng2 pale).hahaha
In the night,we just discussed about what happened on the day.But that night was extra special.Abang Wan was with us too.So,we shown him few of the pictures that we took at the lake and the "Special for Abang Wan" video.Abang Wan plak tnjkkan buku first PSK at Cameron Highland.The authors was excited.(Sendiri tau la sape pengarng2 tu).Then,straight to bed.
13 Mei 2009
That morning we woke up early to jemput the kids.Kami terlebih awal So,sementare tu ape lg.Like usual...
Kenangan awal pagi..Btl x Kak Emy?Hehe
If I am not mistaken,Zack took this picture.Thanks a lot.Bertambah lg gmbr macho aku.Hahaha
Ingat pakwe ke?hihiEarly morning memory...
Good morning!!!
That morning a little touching.Cause some of them started to cry.They do not want us to go back.Huhu.Maybe it's because we have touch their heart by giving them love that maybe some of them rarely get from their everyday life.Although it was just for a few days,I think we brought something that more than just laughter.We also gave them confidence and most importantly,LOVE!The most powerful feeling in the world.We'll come back.Don't cry ok?Study hard and smart,kids.
This is my group,REXTON!!from left:Su Pin,Izati,Yu Lin,Samiza and Ah Tom.Yg comel kt dpn tu x perlu la nk diperkenalkn lg kn?
PSM.What a memory!!!
KEPADA LAW, saje aku aku bubuh bnyk2 gmbr dlm ni.Nk bg kau jeles..hahaha.Sbnyer byk lg gmbr2 best dlm ni.tp mls la nk bubuh byk2,kang terlebih jeles plak.haha.
udah2 la2 nk bt orang jeles..
dh la hr2 kna belasah dgn abg wan..
kang ad plak kna blsah dgn law..
sumenye nice pic..
ak jeles..hahah
erm asl muke2 y same je slalu g program..huhu
brani sungguh xajak ak join..haha
Jeles lar pulak tgk korang...rugi lar x join...
Anyway,terus hidupkan In-smartive k!!
Teruskan menyumbang :)
Abang Fairul,
pe plak zack...
akak la yg tangkap...
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